The Teamwork Nation code

The Teamwork Nation Code
1. Change your own personal behaviour to live by this Teamwork code.Make it known that you do.

2. Vote only for politicians who subscribe to it.There are none at present but they will emerge if demand is strong.

3. Deal only with companies that subscribe to it.i.e.Work for, buy from and trade only with such companies.

The Teamwork Code complements and builds on the established foundations of our modern society, for example freedom, the rule of law, equality of opportunity, education, safety, free trade, social security, property rights, etc.:

1. We each live by a new 'Teamwork' moral code:
  • We each take primary responsibility for ourselves and our dependents.
  • We are each as productive as we can be and we live within our means.
  • We care about and help each other:
    • We do not unfairly exploit others just because we’re smarter.
    • We do not lean on others just because they’re smarter or more industrious.
    • We support colleagues who suffer misfortune but we do not tolerate wilful idleness.
    • We employ fellow national citizens in preference to others. 
    • We buy nationally-produced goods and services by first preference. 
    • We don’t discriminate based on race, sex, religion, class etc.
  • We willingly pay tax but we demand high efficiency in its expenditure. 
  • We build and conserve social and economic prosperity for our descendants.
  • We protect and conserve the environment.
  • We help our international neighbours to achieve prosperity and avoid disaster.
  • We guard against external threats to our wellbeing and prosperity. 
  • We are willing to criticise anti-social behaviour, and willing to accept such criticism.
  • We produce only the children that we personally can afford to raise. It’s not a human right to produce children that others have to raise and nurture. See footnote**
2. We demand corporate support for the Teamwork Nation
More than ever before, international commercial corporations influence and control societies, such as Amazon, Facebook, Google etc. 
If you’re going to be a Teamwork Citizen, you need much better information about them: you need to know that the companies you work for or buy things from are equally committed to your ideals; that they are not exploitive people who abuse workers, disrupt society, dodge taxes, pollute our environment and care only for their own fortunes. 
Ref Decency Rating for corporations.

3. We demand government support for the Teamwork Nation
You will need to know that the taxes you pay are spent efficiently on things that you agree with: like education, health and welfare, regulation of pollution, provision of infrastructure, policing, a judiciary and a defence force. You will need to know that the very powerful and costly machinery of government isn’t being abused in pursuit of dangerous political ideologies, or simply wasted on fools’ errands.

Government should implement policies to match Teamwork principles, for example:
  • An early end to mass immigration and the expulsion of illegal intruders.
  • Housing priority for UK nationals. 
  • Society’s rights to take priority over individuals’ rights.
  • No welfare subsidies for able people with fair opportunities to work. 
  • A Decency Rating for corporations, considering environmental care, payment of tax, treatment of workers and rewards for senior management. 
  • Preservation of agricultural and recreational land, not unlimited development.
  • Elimination of annual spending deficit in the near future.
  • Reduction or elimination of national debt within 10 years. 
  • An Efficiency Rating for Government departments, considering over-budget and failed project costs, investments which fail to deliver benefits, operational costs vs output etc.
  • A Democracy Rating for Government, considering consultation and public support for policies (or lack thereof) with substantial social and economic effects (e.g. mass immigration, HS2, foreign wars). 
Yes, this is a nationalistic outlook, but in a positive, benign sense. 
Nationalism isn’t bad. It’s about being for ourselves, not against everyone else. We can’t just abandon nationalism unless every other nation did likewise. When one nation abandons its sense of nationhood, then others with stronger national identities and solidarity (whether consensual or imposed) will have greater strength and will take advantage of it, especially if they have malice of intent. 

Changing the world from the top down is unlikely to happen. 
Change has to start with individuals and the national societies they live in, and spread out from there, because standards tend to emerge rather than to be pre-defined. Many of the 195 separate countries in the world are at grossly different stages in their evolution, and the chances of persuading large, poor, emerging countries to give up their developing privileges are scant. 

In due course, if enough countries adopt and practice the same philosophy, then nationalism can be dropped. Maybe that would take 100 years, who knows?

In the meantime, we have to look after ourselves first.Charity begins at home. 

People in poor countries have more children than in the developed world because it’s the only form of social security they have. So, as a society, we would have to pledge to support in their old age those who choose to have few or no children. 
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